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Use the URL Builder for Your Marketing Campaigns

Google URL Builder for Your Marketing Campaigns

Google’s Website tracking report is good, but it is not great when it comes to finding out where a visitor came from, on the website.
For example, if the visitor clicked a link on Facebook, then Analytics will consider that social media traffic in your reports. If a visitor clicked a Google Ads ad in, then Analytics will consider that Paid Search traffic in your reports.
For example: if the user clicks on your Facebook post and redirected to your website, then Google Analytics will consider social media traffic in the report. If a visitor clicks on your paid ad (Google Ads), then it will consider Paid paid search traffic in the report.

But when a visitor drives from an email marketing campaign or print ad s Google Analytic cannot easily identify it To fix this issue you can add URL Builder tool
The URL Builder tools use to track the parameter of any URL you add in it. Most important: you can add the mediums, marketing platforms on your URL to tell Google Analytics how to categorize the traffic

Below are the steps to create tracking URLs for all your marketing campaigns:
1. Visit:
2. Scroll down, fill the short form, and click the “Generate URL” button.
3. Then simply use the tracking URL in your marketing campaigns.
Congratulations! Now your Google Analytics account is set up properly and it will automatically track all of your marketing campaigns.

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