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How to Optimize and Rank up in Amazon listing (Product based Marketing)

How to Optimize and Rank up in Amazon listing (Product based Search Engine)

Google is the biggest search engine where you can find huge information of all industries and sector. But when you speak about eCommerce products based shopping then “Amazon” is the named where more search volume of products sold. It’s a roughly estimated that like thrice of Google US customers are visiting more Amazon rather than Google.

According to New York Times 2012 reported:   “In 2009, nearly a quarter of shoppers started research for an online purchase on a search engine like Google and 18 percent started on Amazon, according to a Forrester Research study. By last year, almost a third started on Amazon and just 13 percent on a search engine. Product searches on Amazon have grown 73 percent over the last year while searches on Google Shopping have been flat, according to comScore.” Reference link

Optimizing Amazon and Factors of Amazon optimization

Amazon’s is a structured and well maintain website according to Product based of all industries.

On-page and Off-page Optimization Factors

  • There is no need of off-page optimization in Amazon; no ranked factors belong from offpage optimization. Amazon doesn’t count the external linking to your page.
  • Search traffic in Amazon comes from internal site, so there is no matter if you use same title, bullets, description, and images as another website having.
  • Spell mistakes or correction- directly care by amazon – so there is no need of putting spell mistakes keywords
  • Amazon contains two views one Grid / gallery 24 products and second list page containing 15 products.
  • Easy to define category and  relevant sub category by Tree structure or numeric numbers from Browse Tree Guides
  • Images must be 1000×1000 pixels – and quality images required for zooming product image

Title Optimization

The title of a product is one of the most important places to include keywords. Amazon suggests incorporating the following attributes in product titles.

  • Brand and description
  • Product line
  • Material or key ingredient
  • Color
  • Size
  • Quantity

Search Terms

  • There are five fields that accept 50 characters each.
  • You do not need to repeat any words
  • Commas will be ignored
  • Quotation marks will unnecessarily limit your keyword
  • Including multiple variations of the same word is unnecessary
  • Including common misspellings is unnecessary
  • Order of the search terms may matter
  • Do include synonyms or spelling variations (e.g. include sun screen and sunscreen)


Good Reporting system is provided in the sales detail section – from which you can check your impressions, clicks, sales and many other elements of analysis.

Performance Optimization factors

  • Performance factors are pretty simple. Amazon wants to rank the product that will generate revenue and keep them on top of each search result. Easy to track conversion Reports >> Business Reports >> Detail Page Sales and Traffic
  • Price is a strongly influences conversion factor for rates and units sales.

Sponsor links / PPC Amazon:

Shown at bottom ‘Sponsor Products on Amazon

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