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Difference Between SEO and PPC Marketing

Nowadays, somehow we all depend on search engines. Whenever we need any sort of information the first thing which comes in our mind is to “Google it”. Each time you search something on a search engine like Google, Yahoo or Bing or others, you can see hundreds of results on search engine result page (SERP).

On that list, you will get both organic and paid results. The difference between these two has a lot to do with how they got there. Normally the first few results you see are ads (paid marketing). Show engines show paid results when it found relevancy to your query. (note: you may see some paid result at the bottom of the SERP as well). While the middle results are the organic ones. Not only search engine buts the other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, but LinkedIn and others have also paid marketing options. If you have an online business or have an online presence, you should understand the difference between the organic and paid searches, how to do these marketing and form both strategy you can drive traffic to your website.

Paid vs. Organic Marketing: What’s the Difference?


Organic Search (SEO):

Organic search are the unpaid/natural result found below the paid ads in the SERPs. They called natural because search engine algorithm analyzes all the websites and shows the best and relevant results that contain the most relevant information related to your asked query.

Search engine algorithm analyses and decide the top ranking on SERPs on the bases of which website have the most useful information user is seeking for, and the website is optimized according to the search engine algorithm. This is why different websites rank highly for the search term according to the asked query. The website gets ranking on behave of various things like (meta tag, meta description, URL, keyword, optimize content, etc) the more optimize page with relevant information the higher the ranking) To rank your website in organic search you need to hire SEO (search engine optimization) Expert or Learn SEO technique by Join SEO Training to work according to Search Engine guidelines. SEO (organic marketing) is a long term process, normally it takes around 3-6 months to climb the ranking.


Paid Search (PPC):

The paid search results are ads mostly paid by businesses to get the quickly top ranking and get more traffic as compared to organic ranking websites. Web marketers, Google Ads PPC experts and website owners invest their money in search engine marketing (SEM) to increase their website ranking when someone searches for the most relevant and specific keyword.

For Google paid marketing, marketers use Google Ads Account to create attractive ads, bid placement opportunities in the auction on keywords. On SERPs, you can easily distinguish between paid result and organic results. Paid result normally appears on the top and bottom of the SERPs and has a small outlined ‘Ad’ label on the left-hand side of the URL.

In Google Adwords auction, whoever set the highest bid will get the best visibility, but also have some rules like who ranks organically, Google has processes in place (quality score, copy rules, landing page quality, and more) to confirm that paid ads rank are according to the requirement of searchers. Google gives first priority to user experience in both organic and paid marketing.

To achieve a positive ROI (return on investment) with paid search, it is important to monitor each aspect that what you are doing and how your paid marketing is working.

Paid vs. Organic Search – Which Strategy is Best for my Business?

In today’s digital world, online business needs to use both organic and paid strategies to grow their business. Organic Search has an evergreen presence in the search engine result page. This means it can go up or down over time, but the paid ads are up to your choice if you stop paying is will disable from SERPs.

If you are new in the digital marketing field and have a limited marketing budget so you may face difficulties to create and make the right marketing strategy. No need to take stress here we will discuss pro and cons for both paid and organic marketing. Which may help you to create awesome marketing strategy for your online business.

It’s also important to do detail research about your business that how the customers are looking for solutions. This will help you to grow your business online without wasting your marketing budget. For example: if you have a clothing company, you can do Instagram paid marketing. But not all the business makes sense to do on the same platform. Your time and money is precious! Delivering the right information at the right platform to the customers is beneficial for your business.

Organic Search Pros & Cons:

Normally, having an existence on the first page of SERPs gives a good impression to the searchers. After all, you beat millions of other businesses for that place. It give an automatically a good perception to users that your business is trustful and the first choice of many other customers.


Pro – Authority & Credibility:

When your company has a certified SEO Expert who follows a perfect SEO marketing strategy for your website, you will earn good authority and ranking on search engines. It shows search engines that your business is reliable and your website is optimized according to their algorithms guidelines. The search engine will push your website on the top result of their SERP pages where the relevant queries with your business/website asked by the searcher. The better the authority the higher the ranking.

Normally the searcher trust organic result more than paid result, because in organic search they expect that they will find the desired result for what they are asking in search engine search bar. According to research organic results beat paid marketing 65% times for desktop searchers. A well optimized website with quality content will prove the search engines and the searcher that you know what you are talking about.


Pro – Cost:

As organic marketing is unpaid marketing so it will save a lot of your money. There are hundreds of free resources available to guide you on how to start SEO on your own. We recommended you to Join SEO Training and rank your website.


Pro – Top of Funnel Clicks:

Organic website has a higher click through rates especially when we talk about “top of funnel” searches. Top of the funnel search are those searches the doesn’t show strong purchase plan yet (For example: Where can I get, or using price oriented words like “cheap”). SEO give you an opportunity to capture all board and specific keyword related to your business.

If you start implementing SEO best practices on your website you will get ranking in SERPs. Once your website achieves top ranking on organic search it will give you longtime profit unlike the paid search, where you have to pay for the ranking. Google likes the website that changes the strategy according to time. If you stop doing SEO on your website, It may affect your organic ranking as well because might be your competitors are still working on it. Did you ever saw an article on a top result which is published years ago? Yes, the content is old but the search engine still thinks that this is a more useful and valuable resource for you and optimized according to the latest algorithm, that why it in on that ranking. The summary of this detail is the more your work with the right techniques and SEO strategy. It can pay off over a longer period of time.


Cons – Time & Resources

“Time is Money” we all know the importance of time, and nothing is free in this world. SEO is a much low budget process as compare to paid marketing. But it required more time and resources. SEO is a long time approach that takes time to work on your websites to make strategy and to implement them. It may take 3-6 months to rank on SERPs.

In the race of top ranking, you are not alone. Hundreds of websites are aiming to achieve the same position on the same keyword that you are aiming for. The more time and resources you invest the more chances to achieve your goal. However, if this is your business then might be you can afford the required time and resources to get into organic ranking. No doubt it is something that will pay back you and it is possible it may take a little longer time than expected.

Paid Search Pros & Cons:

What could be better than to get instant ranking on the top of SERPs and show it to specific traffic that is looking for exactly the same product/ services that you are offering? Paid search has a lot of benefits, but nothing is free here. So these benefits come at a cost. Paid Marketing is quick, easy and highly profitable but it is also expensive and for short time-period (pay as you go). Join  Google Ads Training now

Pro: Faster & Easier

Creating high-quality SEO content and waiting for it to crawl, than to rank, it can be a slow and time consuming process. If you don’t have much time and have a good marketing budget then Google Ads is the perfect solution for you. Paid marketing ads are the fastest way to get top ranking on the first page of search engine result. If you work according to Google Ads guidelines, (optimize your ads, proper landing page, specific keywords, competitive budget) then you can capture huge numbers of targeted customers who are interested to buy your offered products/services.

Creating and managing a successful PPC campaign is not an easy task, As it costing you, so you need to manage it and make sure that no irrelevant traffic viewing your ads, no negative keywords displaying your ads and your ads are eye catching for the searchers as well. Hire our PPC Services and we will manage your campaigns and save your ACOS.

Pro: Targeted

Every year the numbers of searchers and digital marketing platforms are increasing. So it is necessary to be on the target and achieve your desired sales goal. Now Google, Facebook, Instagram, Bings and many more platforms offer targeting methods to capture the quality traffic to see your ads. On facebook, paid marketing, you can manage it by specific location, age group, genders and etc. These specifications will help you to be more specific and your ads will display to only them to are more likely to click your ads, show their interested and buy your product/services. Need a social media marketing expert who can manage your organic and paid marketing both? Contact us.

Pro: High Purchase Intent

Paid marketing best feature is that it will target only specific peoples who have a high purchase intent on your offered products/services. If the searcher is looking for PPC services and the very first ad that appears is paid ad with relevant content the searcher problem is solved. However, keyword research and testing are required to check your campaigns so they can display to the specific people that are looking for relevant offers. The higher the quality rate of ads better the visibility is.


Cons: Cost & Longevity

On paid marketing, you pay as go, where you have to bit on the keyword depending on the competition. Some times maybe your budget will end before the time. However, the competition in different industries vary W.R.T the bids of keywords. Some industries paid marketing cost thousands of dollars monthly, but the important thing is to get your investment back with a good percentage (%) of profit. For example, if you spend 2 thousand dollars per month then your aim is to minimum get 6 to 8 thousand dollar sales from paid marketing.

Balancing Act for Paid and Organic Search

There are both pros and cons to investing in paid and organic search marketing. The best strategy is to find a balance between these two. It’s beneficial to target customers at both the top and the bottom of the funnel (and everywhere in between) in order to capture more leads for your business.

By optimizing your site using SEO tactics, ensure that your website content is optimized and showing up when people are going into it through the organic result. A strong paid search game ensures that your business is for those ready to make a purchase.

If your goal is to make it easy for customers to find you online, then your marketing strategy is to use both organic and paid search techniques. A combination will deliver the best results and have opportunity for new customers to discover your business in no time!

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