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How to Freelance Content Writing

What is Content Writing?

Content writing is a very powerful tool for every business either print or digital media because, this is the area where content writer present and deliver the right message about the product, and services and make it perfect to appeal to customers and push them to make decisions. Writing is the key to where a content writer represents himself or their company and takes a stand to express emotion with the words known as content and deliver the correct and complete messages to the audience.

Content writers attract the audience’s interest by describing their words in idioms, phrases, stanzas, jargon, and more ways to describe gesture, posture, and emotion and increase the level of heat through words in short “Words are harder than the sword”.  Content Writers are the person who makes the creativity and has fun with content that u watch on TV, Ads, media, newspaper, and many more mediums. If your content is not relevant or not good, you can’t grab the interest of the audience and your content looks useless / garbage.

Through your content writing you make any product a brand and bring the correct awareness to the audience to choose or at least take an interest in products for example “Daag to Acheye hotey hain” do you believe stain is good, “No” but this tag line suit to the audience and they wanted to listen to it again and again. This is what content writers do – in other words, they bring the soul into the dead person or make an impact on customers’ minds to make a decision to buy your products or services.

Types of Writing

  • Content writing
  • Copywriting
  • SEO content writing
  • Academic writing
  • Technical writing
  • Portfolio writing


Copywriting means writing a patch of words that’s making a great paragraph. But in simple words when we describe copywriting is making a creative concept and doing some brainstorming after taking ideas from other contents and articles. Copywriting if we affirm this word, means writing a copy that’s true; Copywriting word may be puzzling for you, although it’s a quite simple process.

SEO Content Writing

Seo writing is the process where an SEO person assigns 4-6 keyword to a content writer then the content writer writes the content and make the content according to the keyword and publish the content on the website. The main purpose of SEO content writing is to rank websites on a given keyword. If your post has not earned the traffic that you expected from content then it will be a major letdown. The SEO writing process involves some major tricks to write SEO base content. Writing high-quality content that matches your user intent and is easy for optimization and Google crawler.

Academic Writing

Academic writing is professional writing that we usually use to write for schools, colleges, universities, and scholarly publications. Academic writing includes a formal tone; we normally use the third person rather than your attitude main motive of academic writing is to keep the focus on your academic point. The next thing you need to understand is your targeted audience which will help to write your article. Academic writing includes essays, theses, research papers, reports, and many more articles include related to academic writing for example doctors use this writing tip for writing reports and supporting their research with the help of study. It’s important that you’re writing concisely to summarize your key point.

Technical Writing

Technical writing is basically a part of the technical report. In which the technical writer composes the report of new invention in the product. In technical writing, writers make a report for the audience and inform them in brief about the new invention. We normally use technical writing in technical fields such as digital technologies, computers, finance, medical, engineering department, science, and so many technological departments. Maybe we use technical writing in every business sector for building new ideas, theories, and practices. Technical writing is carried out by a technical writer. The main reason of technical writing is to inform new inventions in the product.

Portfolio Writing

Portfolio writing is becoming most important because it’s the best evidence of your skills when you applied for a job so a portfolio helps to get a desired job because a portfolio is better than a CV. It’s important for any employee. Without a portfolio, employees suffer a big loss to get a desired job because, on this sheet of paper, you describe your skills, experiences, and expertise. The portfolio is the main document in any job interview because it’s showing your expertise. The portfolio is a professional document that helps the employee to present in front of the employer and client what you are able to do and in which areas it has experienced. The portfolio also highlighted your offer against your competitor. You can earn online money by offering portfolio services. Most professional does not know how to make a professional portfolio. They make portfolios from content writers and they can charge amounts in dollars.

Join our content writing training course to know about how to do freelance content writing.

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