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Is your website is index or non-index on Google! – Are you hit by Google and all URL are de-Index

Always a concern arise from the webmaster that is there website is index or non-index in google. It’s very simple to identify that your website is exist in google search engine. Now question arise how to check, it’s very simple Just put your domain name like for example ‘’ and see the results are you on google or not. Many of time instead of your website other Facebook and off-links pages appear on the search engine. This means your website is non-index or de-index from google, yahoo and Bing search engine.

Another way of checking a website on google and Bing is to type ’site:’ here you will identify how many pages are index in search engine. Congratulation if you’re search appear with your home page and internal links else sorry unfortunately you site is no index.

Hence, if your website is non-index, this never means that google will not index your website, we already aware that google crawlers read thousand and billion and trillion of pages per day. Here at Help you to indexing your website in different search engines. Following are the cause or reasons that why google crawlers doesn’t indexed your website

• Your site might be not search engine friendly

•If your website is fresh or newly developed, could be a reason for non-crawling

• Difficult design or wrong html codes may had a issue while crawling even heaving image sizes also not easy crawl by google.

• 404 error While crawling your site

•Due to website restriction, SE might blocks for crawling site pages

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